Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hello everyone! This doesn't really go along with the I Am statement of the week but the pastor at church talked about something today that I thought was awesome and want to share it with you.

"As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'" Romans 10:15

I love this verse for so many reasons. One of them is that I have a phobia of feet. I really don't like them. I think they're disgusting and freak out if anyone's feet touch me. So I think it's so amazing that God finds my feet beautiful. One of the things that I hate most in the world, he finds beauty in them. And what's even more cool is the reason why. He loves them because they "preach the good news." God loves my feet when I use them to faithfully deliver his message. Another cool point that the pastor pointed out was that it's not only God that loves our feet when we preach the good news, but those who we deliver the news to. The people who are receiving his message love my feet too! And thinking about it, it makes complete sense. Even I, who strongly dislike feet, am so grateful for the people who have delivered God's message to me in different ways that I am thankful for every single thing about them, even their feet. I am so thankful that God put it in their plan to walk to wherever I was at the time to preach the good news to me so that I could learn something new and fall deeper in love with Jesus.

One other thing that the pastor pointed out that really hit me was the fact that it's called "good news." I've heard this term countless times, but never really thought twice about it until today. When I have good news, I want to share it with everyone I know! For example, I play on the club team at USD. We had our first game yesterday and I scored a goal, and I was so happy! I considered this great news and as soon as I got back to my room I told my roommates, called my family and friends... I wanted the people I cared about to know. Today I started thinking, why don't I have the same attitude with the good news of Jesus Christ? Why don't I have the same courage and desire to tell my roommates, who don't know Jesus, the good news that Jesus brings? I am so willing to share other good news with them and my other friends who aren't Christian, and I want to have the same attitude with sharing my faith with them.

That has been one of my main struggles and prayers of this semester, and the message of beautiful feet was exactly the encouragement and reality check that I needed. I hope everyone is doing well and I miss you all!

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